Your Board
The Executive Committee (EC) is NZ Arb's primary committee, which is voted from nominations (or re-elections) at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Typically there are 12 EC members, who run for two-year terms but are split into two groups of six members elected in alternate years (i.e. six members are voted in one year, for 2 years, and the following year the other six are voted in for two years). The EC meets quarterly each year and oversights the various portfolio of sub-committees, work groups and liaisons listed on the Sub-Committees & Liaisons page. They also manage the NZ Arb Strategy Plan.
NZ Arb Board
NZ Arb would like to thank the following organisations for supporting the Association by allowing their employees the time and resources to serve on the NZ Arb Board:
Auckland Council
Christchurch City Council
Arb Innovations
Tend Trees Ltd
Paper Street Tree Company
All About Trees
Auckland Tree Services
Treetech Christchurch
Invercargill City Council
Fulton Hogan Christchurch
Tauranga City Council