NZ Arb seeks contributions for Tree Matters magazine on an ongoing basis. If you have some epic tree tales, stories of innovation, education and research pieces, equipment updates, anecdotes, alerts, experiences, and photos Tree Matters needs you!
Document Format: Word or plain-text documents are preferred (.doc, .docx or .rtf files). Emails are acceptable for shorter contributions. PDF files or URL links may be acceptable for republishing existing articles.
Images: Please send all images as separate files (.jpg/.jpeg or .png files are preferred). Images should ideally be larger than 200 KB but if in doubt, just send the highest-quality available. Include captions and photographer credit wherever possible.
Videos & URL Links: If your article includes relevant video content or other external links, these can be included in the digital publication via URL (e.g., https://www.nzarb.org.nz/). Please ensure that these links are safe, reliable and not time-dependent or temporary (i.e., that the website hosting the links will still be accessible in a year's time or longer).
Text: Please use UK/NZ spelling (US spelling will be changed) and include macrons and special symbols if appropriate (e.g., include macrons in Māori spelling). It would also be helpful if you could italicise any words that need to be in italics (e.g., botanical names). If you use any acronyms, it is conventional to put them in full at their first mention.
Editing: All accepted articles are edited; this includes any correction needed in grammar, spelling, or punctuation and any changes necessary to conform to the Tree Matters publication style. Once formatted, a PDF version of the article will be sent to the author prior to publication where requested.
Questions: If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to get in touch. Email comms@nzarb.org.nz or call us on 04 472 6330.
Send material for editorial consideration to comms@nzarb.org.nz.
For advertisers Tree Matters provides a unique and cost-effective opportunity to target New Zealand arboricultural professionals inside their own community. View the rate card below or, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Email comms@nzarb.org.nz or call us on 04 472 6330.