The NZ Arb Association holds four regional tree climbing competitions each year with the top climbers gaining entry to the National Tree Climbing Championship.
Tree climbing competitions are a great opportunity to showcase your talents, explore new equipment and network with others within the industry
Upcoming TCC Events
TCC Results

Tree Climbing Information
Competition information for future climbers
Payment for competition entry to the Regional TCC will be made by way of NZ Arb invoicing the competitor or competitor’s company for the required entry fee. Online registration closes at 11:00am on the Friday before the event. Registration on the day (where space is available) is cash only. Entry fees are as follows:
• $25 for 1 event (NZ Arb member)
• $60 per event (non-member)
If you qualify for the National Tree Climbing Championship, contestants must be a member of NZ Arb, or under a business that is an NZ Arb member. If you are competing, please ensure you have the gear check form ready and completed, it will save us time.
Waiver and Hold-Harmless by Contestant
Upon registration, you will be required to read, understand and agree to the following terms and conditions.
In consideration of acceptance of my application for entry as a contestant in the NZ Arb Regional Tree Climbing Competition (TCC), I hereby waive any and all claims I may have at any time, on account of me, or by any person or entity in any way as my subrogates against the International Society of Arboriculture, or the New Zealand Arboricultural Association 32nd Chapter, its officers, directors, employees, agents, members, guests, invitees, and any person who would be lawfully entitled to indemnification from any of them for any liability to, or on behalf of, or on account of or in consequence of my activities or participation in the Regional TCC or in any other way related to the Regional TCC.
I further agree to hold the New Zealand Arboricultural Association, its officers, directors, employees, agents, members, guests, and invitees, safe and harmless from any expense for defence, settlement, payment of damages or other expenses relating in any way to injuries sustained by me in any way related to the Regional TCC.
I recognise and assume all risks and danger involved in my participation, and will not under any circumstances rely upon the care, attention, or assurance of anyone other than myself for matters relating to my safety.
As detailed in the NZ Arb Drug & Alcohol Policy all participants, paid employees and volunteers at NZ Arb competitions, events and workplaces are expected to be fit for event duties or roles and be able to perform safely and acceptably without any limitations due to the use or after-effects of alcohol, illicit drugs, non-prescription drugs, prescribed medications or any other substance.
NZ Arb therefore wants to emphasise that it has zero tolerance for participants, paid employees and volunteers who preform duties or compete under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and/or whose ability is impaired in any way by the consumption of alcohol or drugs, or who consume alcohol or drugs at NZ Arb competitions, events and workplaces (unless alcohol is provided with the permission of NZ Arb).
Breaches of NZ Arb’s drug and alcohol policy can be considered to bring the association into disrepute with immediate suspension from the event. Further disciplinary actions may be determined by the NZ Arb Executive.
Addition of New Equipment
In August 2020 the ISA reviewed the list of Mechanical and mechanically aided stationary rope work positioning devices that they approve for use in the ISA format tree climbing competitions.
Please see the list here:
The Akimbo is the latest addition to this list. Please note the information on the user manual regarding appropriate ropes to be used and the Woking load limit (WLL) of those ropes with the device.
As the South Island TCC will be (as far as we are aware) the first TCC in the world since the addition of the Akimbo, we ask that IF you intend to use it at one of the upcoming regional events that you provide the relevant documentation for the rope that you will be using with the device, this will help us complete the gear check process.
We will also be noting down the 'friction setting' that you have set on the device during the gear check, it WILL NOT be able to be used if that number configuration is changed before an event or during the competition.
The NZ Arb Tcc committee with have a fairly wide knowledge of the majority of tree climbing equipment out there for use but every now and then, there are pieces of equipment and/or equipment configurations that we are not familiar with.
We ask that all of the equipment you plan to use has the appropriate marking and identification labelling on it, as per rule 2.2.1, and you write down as much information as possible on the gear check form, which should be filled out and completed before the gear check starts.
We recommend that you do not use any equipment that you are not familiar with at a TCC, if you are not familiar with a piece of equipment, ask yourself, should you be using it.
Please see the rule book for any other information