NZ Arb Hosted
ISA TRAQ Courses
TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification)
NZ Arb, in association with the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture), presents the TRAQ training course.
About TRAQ
The Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) is owned and developed by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). The program expands your fundamental knowledge of tree risk assessment by learning a standardised, systematic process for assessing tree risk. You will be able to provide information to decision-makers and tree owners to foster informed decisions that promote the safety of people and property and enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity. You will learn strategies to systematically identify and assess tree risk.

Upcoming Courses
Course Information
There are two types of courses - a Full TRAQ Course for first-time participants and a TRAQ Renewal Course that is required every 5 years to maintain the qualification.
Full TRAQ Course
This internationally recognised qualification course comprises a two-day education course followed by a ½ day assessment (2.5 days in total) that includes both a written and field component. The course prepares the participant to take the TRAQ assessment to become ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. It is required you attend the course and successfully complete the assessment in order to receive the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification.
Course Content:
Tree Biology and Mechanics
Participants will learn how to assess wood structure, decay, tree mechanics, and evaluate their impact on the likelihood of tree or tree part failure. Participants will also learn how to identify and assess defects and conditions that may affect the likelihood of failure.
Tree Inspection and Assessment
Participants will learn about types of targets, assess the likelihood of a tree or tree part impacting the target, and estimate the consequences of tree or tree part failure. Participants will also learn how to assess site factors that may influence likelihood of failure.
Data Analysis & Risk Categorisation
After learning the tree and target factors that must be assessed, participants will combine likelihood of failure, likelihood of impact, consequences of failure to derive risk rating. This rating helps the assessor communicate tree risk to clients and risk managers and allows comparison risk levels between trees.
Risk Reporting
Participants will learn skills for clearly communicating tree risk to clients, both in written and verbal reports. Participants will also learn about the key components that should be included in a report after completing a tree risk assessment.
All trainees must have either:
A minimum of Level 4 Arb Qualification or
Be an ISA Certified Arborist
A full list of acceptable prerequisites can be found here and in the ISA TRAQ Candidate Application Guide
ISA Member: $850 NZD + GST
Non-ISA Member: $930 NZD + GST
*Course registration fee includes workshop, the Tree Risk Assessment manual and TRAQ workbook, along with lunch and tea breaks during the two and a half-day training.
TRAQ Renewal Course
The TRAQ Re-certification Course is required every 5 years to maintain the qualification. This is a one-day refresher, with five hours of instruction, and three hours of taking the exam.
Course Eligibility:
To be able to register for the TRAQ Re-certification Course you must hold a TRAQ credential. You may complete the TRAQ Re-certification Course as early as one year prior to your qualification expiration date. Participants are asked to bring their TRAQ Risk Assessment manual and clipboard to training.
ISA members: $480 plus GST
ISA non-members: $550 plus GST