Registered Consultants Programme
Setting the highest standard of arboricultural consultancy in New Zealand
NZ Arb is in the final stages of having the Registered Consultants Programme ready, and we’re aiming to roll it out this year. Watch this space for more information as it becomes available.
About the NZ Arb Registered Consultants Programme
The New Zealand Arboricultural Association’s Registered Consultants (NZ Arb RC) programme will set a high standard of arboricultural consultancy work for New Zealand’s arboricultural industry. By setting a standard, the quality expectations of arboricultural consultancy in New Zealand are raised, and we add credibility to our industry. To do this, we must work together in a supportive environment. The award of NZ Arb RC status (which applies to an individual, not an organisation or company) will be made following a rigorous assessment process. At the core of the programme, is our mission statement...
“To promote and facilitate through education and support, a framework of accreditation for New Zealand’s technical arborists and arboricultural consultants. One which recognises the highest level of professionalism and expertise in the arboricultural industry while providing career development opportunities.”
— NZ Arb RC Mission Statement —

NZ Arb RC Programme Structure
The programme will be set up as a tiered system comprising three tiers. It sets out a clear framework of abilities and expertise, with the prerequisites and assessments appropriate to each tier. Within the framework, there are achievable goals to enable members to move up to higher tiers in a stepwise fashion. It’s set up as a supportive environment and sets a clear career pathway for applicants to join in the first tier, and progressively make their way to the top.
Tier 1
Supervising Arborist
This is someone who can supervise works around trees, carry out root pruning and implement consent conditions for tree protection on development sites. They're able to perform basic tree health and condition assessments, identify common pests and diseases, make simple tree work recommendations and audit pruning work. In terms of written ability, they're able to produce simple yet coherent documentation such as arboricultural completion memos, to accompany the above work tasks. The basics to be able to work in the non-pruning part of the industry, and the first step towards being an effective consultant.
Tier 2
Technical Consultant
This is someone who has a thorough understanding of the standards for protection of trees on development sites, local tree protection rules and Resource Management Act provisions, to be able to create site-specific tree protection management plans in a coherent and detailed report. They’ll also hold a recognised risk assessment qualification and have a thorough knowledge of tree risk assessments and biomechanics. A Technical Consultant can provide sound technical advice in all aspects of tree management practices in verbal and written form, including council hearings. This pool of people can provide technical advice for a wide range of the most common arboricultural consultancy scenarios and formulate that advice into coherent written reports.
Tier 3
Expert Witness
This is someone who meets all the same standards as the Technical Consultant, as well as being able to act confidently as an expert witness at Environment, Coroners or High Courts. They’ll be able to provide technical input into District Plans, industry standards, tree maintenance contracts, tree policies, strategies, and codes of practice. They’re able to produce excellent written information for clients and other experts (inter and intradisciplinary) to the highest possible standard. They will actively train, mentor and share their knowledge effectively with others. The purpose of the Expert Witness tier is to set apart those amongst the Technical Consultant tier whom NZ Arb can be confident would provide a high level of service performing in a legislative environment. Essentially this is a pool of people from which a lawyer could select and be confident of that person’s abilities to provide correct technical advice in a courtroom or hearing setting.