2021 NZ Arb Husqvarna Auckland Regional TCC
19 February 2022
Western Springs Park
731 Great North Road, Western Springs, Auckland
19-20 February 2022

Volunteer registration: https://oncue.eventsair.com/nzarb-events-21/nzarbvolallareas
We are pleased to share the news that a date has been set for the NZ Arb Husqvarna Auckland Regional Tree Climbing Competition that we missed at the end of 2021.
New competition dates will be as follows:
NZ Arb Husqvarna Auckland TCC
19 – 20 February 2022
Western Springs Park.
This event is currently full with 40 climbers registered. If you would like to be waitlisted to compete please email admin@nzarb.org.nz
Friday 18th February:
Gear check between 4:30pm and 5:30pm onsite
Saturday 19th February:
We will be starting early so that we are able to have everybody through by a reasonable hour. 7:00am onsite for a 8:00am start If you are unable to have your gear checked on the Friday, please ensure you are onsite with your gear ready to be checked by 7:00am Saturday. If you arrive late you may miss out on the walkthrough.
Also, to help the gear check run smoothly could you all please fill out your gear forms which you should have received when you registered. If you do not have these please visit the following link:
Please also ensure that:
Your handsaw is taped Your helmet has a purchase date written in it All knots are correctly tied with a minimum of a 2 finger tail All climbing lines have stopper knots at the end All carabiners lock safely and are not sticky Harnesses do not have any frayed areas particularly on the leg loops and bridge You have a pair of safety glasses
Team readouts and walkthrough will begin at 8:00am.
Competition begins:
The competition events will begin immediately after the walkthrough (8:00am)
Sunday 20th February:
7:30am onsite
Masters challenge begins 8:00am
Covid-19 Information:
As always, health, safety and wellbeing is the highest priority at these events for NZ Arb. The NZ Arb Tree Climbing Competition (TCC) committee have implemented plans to help minimise the risk for those in attendance, however it is reminded that all individuals are responsible for their own personal hygiene and decision to attend.
The COVID-19 Protection Framework has replaced the Alert Level system and we are following NZ Government Guidelines based on Gatherings at Orange. This means the event is a My Vaccine Pass only event and you will be required to show your Vaccine Pass upon arrival.
The traffic light system current at the time of the competition and any additional guidelines from the NZ Government and the Ministry of Health will provide the basis for event planning going forward, including any recommended travel restrictions between regions.